Phase 3: Blast off to your optimal self!
Days 2, 4, 5
In the Rejuvenaut program, we offer three rounds of carefully curated IV therapy stacks, each building upon the benefits of the previous one.
Based on your lab results, our experts will design personalized nutrient IV stacks to supplement your body with optimal levels of nutrients, enzymes, minerals, and peptide proteins. These stacks are specifically formulated to support you throughout your training program, enhance cellular signaling, and improve the detoxification process.
Not only do the stacks aid in regenerating new muscle and tissue growth, but they also create an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, facilitating optimal recovery.
Step 7: Laser-Guided Autologous VSEL Procedure
Day 3
The day after the first IV stack, Rejuvenauts have the incredible opportunity to undergo a cutting-edge anti-aging stem cell treatment. This procedure utilizes Laser-guided Autologous VSEL (Very-small embryonic-like stem cells) to rejuvenate the body on a cellular level.
By enhancing regeneration and initiating a cellular anti-inflammatory cascade, this treatment unlocks the potential for remarkable rejuvenation. Following the infusion of stem cells, a red-light laser guided protocol is implemented. This protocol specifically targets signaling to the areas of the body that require regenerative support, including vital organs, joints, and entire biological systems.
Step 8: VSEL Sexual Enhancement Procedure
Day 5
On the last day of the program, Rejuvenauts have the exciting opportunity to undergo a VSEL Sexual Enhancement Procedure. This procedure involves the strategic application of VSELs to the genital area, delivering a range of incredible benefits.
Experience improved sensitivity, enhanced blood flow, increased libido, enhanced stamina, and enhanced size and performance of sexual organs. This procedure is the cherry on top, providing the finishing touch to your rejuvenation journey.
Unlock the potential for a more fulfilling and vibrant sexual experience through our VSEL Sexual Enhancement Procedure.
Beyond the container: Integrate and continue to explore your health within the Rejuvenaut community
After completing the Rejuvenaut program, participants have the opportunity to join a thriving global community of Rejuvenaut’s. This community is designed to provide ongoing support and accountability, helping individuals maintain the progress achieved during the immersive container experience.
As part of this community, you'll be empowered to sustain the Rejuvenaut bio-hacking lifestyle. Which entails continuous supplementation, training, and access to medical procedures that will be available via the network of skilled medical and therapeutic professionals within the Rejuvenaut organization.
Join our community and embrace a life of ongoing rejuvenation. Stay connected, motivated, and supported as you continue your journey towards optimal well-being.
Experience the power of integration as you become part of a community dedicated to maintaining and enhancing your rejuvenated self. Trust in our expertise as we guide you towards a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.