Phase 1: Explore

Step 1: Explore your Baseline Metrics

Day 1 — Upon enrolling in the Rejuvenaut program, our first priority is to explore and understand your unique baseline metrics through precise medical testing. We order comprehensive lab panels to assess your current mineral and nutrient levels, as well as the state of your reproductive, endocrine, neurological, and hormonal systems. This in-depth analysis allows us to gain valuable insights into your body's current health state.

Additionally, we conduct a microscopic live and dry blood analysis. By closely examining your blood, we gain a deeper understanding of how your body's toxic load is impacting your detoxification and energy metabolism abilities. This analysis provides us with vital information to customize your journey towards optimal health.

Step 2: Explore your mind and Spirit

Days 1-5 — Led by our compassionate and experienced on-staff Psychologist, Rejuvenauts engage in a series of 1:1 and group therapy sessions within a supportive environment. These sessions provide a safe space for meaningful discussions, self-reflection, and emotional healing.

Our dedicated Psychologist guides participants through discussions that address trauma, emotional blocks related to intimacy, and sexual performance. This phase is designed to help individuals overcome obstacles and insecurities that may be hindering their ability to perform at their optimal level. By addressing these concerns, participants gain the tools and confidence needed to fully embrace their journey within the program.

At Rejuvenaut, we understand that true transformation extends beyond the physical realm. By prioritizing psychosexual training, we create an environment that fosters emotional growth and empowers individuals to overcome barriers that may be holding them back. We believe that healing emotional wounds is a crucial step towards achieving holistic well-being.